Monday, January 24, 2011


I am not a blogger. It's just the truth. Or...well, it was. I am now, since this is technically my blog. Corrupting journalism is my task, though if you read the title, you'd know that's not true.

If you've found my page, welcome! If you're one of my friends, don't stalk me so intensely! If you don't know me, then this will be a journey.

So, true to the name, this is a food blog. Specifically, a blog about the meals my sister and I will make (inconsistently) every Monday. Or whatever meal I make. This is something for those other lovely college freshmen who have never been left on their own and now have to fend the kitchen themselves if they want anything decent. Hopefully, it will persist into the summer, though then it'll probably be om nom everyday.

A bit about me, to appease a little narcism. I am a college freshman, with an older sister who has a place off campus. I love chicken, cheese, and anything involving bacon, so sorry if my recipes (read: the ones I filch from my sister and beg her to let us make) revolve around it. My specialty is baking and dips, so anything that's an actual meal will probably be a disaster. Be prepared for lots of OOPS with those. 

Other than that, I was endlessly amused by the suggestions for this title, which I think are my Google submissions when I cheat at Family Feud. In dollars, how much would you pay for a movie ticket? What is a profession where you're likely to be bitten by a dog? Name the worst kind of shoe to wear in a marathon. 

Well, that's that until next time. Which is probably in half an hour, because we cooked tonight! Au revoir.

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